Good day and welcome visitors of
NIGERIA CELEBRITY GOSSIPS AND ENTERTAINMENT NEWS. This is a How to Navigate my blog with ease. First and foremost, I will want to once again thank and welcome you to my blog. We have different functions displaying on this blog for your entertainment and I intend to give you an easy way on how to get the best while you surf my blog.
SUBSCRIPTION FUNCTION: This function enables you to receive daily update of our post. All you have to do is key in your email address and click on Subscribe, following the instruction to complete the subscription process. After subscribing, a mail will be sent to that email address which you typed. You will be required to check the inbox or spam folder for a mail from Feed burner. Inside this email is a link that you must click to activate the whole subscription process. Once this is done, you will start receiving daily update of our post right in your inbox.
COMMENT FUNCTION: This function enables readers of any post to leave a comment about what they think and feel of the post and the entire blog in general. At the very bottom of every post, you will find the comment link. Click on it to leave a comment that will be displayed on my blog. One other interesting thing about this function is that you can leave comments on how you feel about the blog, what you like and don’t like about the blog. Click on comment and follow the process until you see the sentence your comment has been posted. Under the comment box, we have different Identities which you can use to comment. You can comment as an anonymous visitor which mean your name will not be shown with your post but I will advice you not to use anonymous instead you can use your Google account which is Gmail. You can also use the name and url option if you own a website or blog. Please I want you to know that commenting on any post is really important as it tells us that visitors are appreciating what we are doing.
TOOL BAR: At the very bottom of the blog, you will find a tool bar which contains other functions such as the like button which enables you to appreciate our blog. Simply click on it to like our blog. We have different functions on that tool bar which I think explained what they are used for.
FOLLOW FUNCTION: This function enables you to be followers of our blog. You can either follow us with your Google account or facebook account. Simply click on follow to initiate the process. Follow the instruction and you’re done.
We have the adverts displayed on either sides of the blog. Feel free to click on any of them that interest you.
I hope this few information’s enable you to navigate and get the best of our blog easily. Enjoy your visit and we appreciate you being a regular visitor. Thanks and have fun.