There's a video circulating the internet about 'sexual harassment allegation leveled against a lecturer at the Ambrose Ali University Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria. Investigation conducted since the release of the video has confirmed that the man appearing in the video is Engineer P.O Otubu of Elec./Elect Engineering Department.
It's such a sad video to watch. Very dehumanizing. Efforts are being to get the lecturer's side of the story, so hopefully we will get the full details of what really happened.
They say it's sexual harassment. Maybe. But I also see extortion...
And you can read the transcript when you...Continue
The video starts with an approach to a room with a burglar proof gate and a a wooden door mostly open behind it. The gate appears locked.
Female voice: Judith
Judith: Hun
Femaile Voice: I wan talk to you
Lecturer: You don naked me now
Judith: (apparently calling the man) Otubu
Lecturer: Yes?
Judith: Otubu?
Lecturer: Yes?
Judith: Oh. Sheybi you for don pass me , make I go. It is better than all this sweat
Lecturer: the other time I didn’t know your number then
Judith: Ah, ahn, you didn’t know…you did it intentionally
Lecturer: No, no, no no
Judith: So that I will I come and do it again , so that you will f**k
Lecturer: Me!
Judith: ( says something in local dialect)
(Lecturer makes a pleading gesture to person filming the incident. Judith appears to tuse a phone to take lecturer’s picture)
Lecturer: my brother, you are a man. Are you a student?
Male voice: Judith, Judith, Juddith
Male voice 2: (apparently in response to lecturer’s pleading gestures) Wetin you dey beg, you dey beg me? You never see (inaudible)
Male Voice 1: Judith, judith, that is okay. Open the door for him. Open for him, open for him. Please open for him
Male voice 2: Open where?
Judith: (apparently in answer to lecturer’s quiet question) I don’t know them o
Lecturer: (to man or men behind camera) My friend
(Judith derides the man’s privates )
Judith: john Thomas (laughs)
Male voice 1: Judith, wey the check wetin e wan sign. E don sign am?
Judith: I no see am see check
Lecturer:E no bounce check now I have the check
Male voices: Oya sign them now. You go sign that check before you leave this plave o. Which bank?
Lecturer: (apparently answering) bank PHB…
Ale voice 1: okay I have somebody that can verify it for me
Lecturer: As soon as they pay in June salary, you cash it
Male voice 2: June salary? We should be waiting for June salary?
Male voice 3?: no, noooo. No.
Male voice 2: Sign it first
Male voice: where is the car key
Male voice: Sign it first
Judith: (Appears to be talking on the phone )Honey? Ohhhh, e tell me say my car no…I dey video am sha, normal….my love
Male voice: E don sign am
(Judith , whilst on the phone, pulls lecturer’s trousers stripping him nearly naked)
Male voice: Judith, let him sign the cheque first now. (Shouting) Let him sign the cheque
(Whilst Judith is pulling the man’s trousers)
Female voice : Let am sign the cheque
Male voice: let am sign the cheque
Male voice: no worry, e no bounce
(man talks inaudibly)
Male voices keep calling out to Judith
Male voice; leave that man
Judith (still with phone to her ear says to lecturer): Put your hand down
Male voices support her request by shouting the same to lecturer
Male voice: What are you still waiting?
Female voice: Put your hand down
Judith: Put your hand down. Oya snap us. Put oyour hand down
(Lecturer complies revealing a shrivelled up penis)
Judith: Put your hand down.
Male voice: stay close, stay close
(lecturer smiles sheepishly)
Judith: (slaps his back because he has pulled his trousers up again.) Put you hand down. You are covering your john Thomas
Male voice 1: Put your hands down . you see you are covering it. Put your hands down
Lecturer: Are you taking it? (apparently asking if they are filming / taking pictures)
Judith:Oya, Snap am o. I hope e get memory card
Male voice: yes, yes
Male 2: better memory card, you never see
Judith: you are not going anywhere.
Male voice1: you are not going anywhere. Come come come come, see
Male voice2 : The fact is, If this cheque bounce, this photgraph will get around this school
Male voice: settle us first, settle us now first
Lecturer; I beg, give me something to wear
Male voice: I gave you something to wear – that white knicker. Put this oon , wear that one
Lecturer: I will wear it on top of it
Male voice: wear it on top. You can go with it . It is my own
Male voice 2: I wanted to give him my knicker if he he can pay for it
Femaile voice: Go sit down. Your own no pass money (she says apparently to the boy who wanted money for his own shorts) - instead make una dey beg my sister
Male voice: I don beg o. I don beg o
Lecturer: This is pass…Its cheque book
Male voice: Thre are some things inside ( the ma’s trousers). Give her everything to hold (must be feale voice) so that nothing is missing
Male voice: Where is the cheque book? Where is the cheque book
Judith: If you do not put this thing, I will call your wife
Female voice: e say e wan sign checque now
Male voice: Sign the cheque, before you do anything
( A lot of behind the scene conversations. Peoplea asking what is going on )
Judith: Which date e go put for the cheque
Lecturer: june salary
Male voice: we don’t even know when…
Male date : put any date that
Lecturer: (inaudible utterance) soon as they pay, just come and cash it. This Monday
Make voice2: If you out Monday the cheque is oing to bounce because june salary…Monday is not okay. Put month end
Lecturer: 30th
Male voice: What is on the 30th?
Lecturer: it is Friday or so.
Male voice: okay put 29th
Male voice 2:You go settle our own?
Lecturer: I have already put 30th
Male voice: hope that signature is your signature. Or else you go see yourself inside TV today
Male voice: This one clear. E clear like DVD nah. This lecturer?
(lecturer gives a frowning Judith the cheque, smiling and petting her)
Male voice: show the cheque, show am show am
(someone holds cheque up to camera)
Male voice: This is the cheque? From Mr Okosun. N100,000
Male voice 2: N100,000?
Is N100,000 okay by you
Judith: He’s paid (inaudible) N500..(rest inaudible)
(Lecturer tries to hide face behind cheque. Voices ask him to bring h is hands down from his face)
Male voice: your father
Lecturer: (smiling) you are abusing me?
Male voice: you know weting lecturer don do me for this school?
Lecturer: Which course are you doing?
Male voice: Why you dey ask me?
(Apparently to Judith’s further protests)
Male voice: Its ok , its ok. Here is your cheque. Hold the cheque
(The cheque appears tobe in the name of one Okosun)
Male voice 2: Sign that cheque on the back. Sign that cheque on the back. Put your name , you rnumber and….your name your number and your hoome address
Female voice: Do all this thing, make you open this door
Source: Kayode Ogundamisi and Sahara Reporters
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