Minister Rosemary Ariole
Where or what do you want to be in life?
Let us start this article with Jesus. The Bible makes us understand that He came with one purpose and that was to redeem mankind. “For the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life for a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). Jesus' goal was to save humanity from damnation so that man (male and female alike) will inherit everlasting life with God. God the Father’s goal has always been to reach mankind for a harmonious fellowship. And this was accomplished by the shedding of Jesus’ blood on the cross of Calvary. Awesome isn’t? The apostles, before they became the persuasive force of spreading the gospel, were fishermen. Thus, they had a purpose for life. However, there are those individuals (Trapped as it were) who just do not know what to do in life and with life. May God have mercy!
A woman and her son came to me for counseling months back. The young man would be about 24 years of age. During the counseling session, the young man asked a question; “How can one know what he or she suppose to do in life? His mother immediately replied, “How can you not know what to do with your life? The young man said, “But mother! I just don’t know. With the world, so advanced in technology, Carrier opportunities are constantly being changed due to web generation; you know me I like practicality.” His mother then replied, “But there must be something of interest for you. You only need to look some more.
While both mother and son were at it, I, on the other hand, listened attentively to both arguments. I then asked the young man, what do you enjoy doing? “I enjoy the study of people's behavior, one reason I guess, that made me desire to be a police man some day. This has been on my mind for a while though”. “A police man! The mother exclaimed”. Yes, a policeman, mother. The young man replied; I don’t see anything wrong with being a policeman. At least I would be contributing and protecting our society against criminals…. His list of desired aim went on and on. His mother then asked, “but who would protect you from dangerous criminals while you are on duty? The young man replied, “Jesus will protect me, mother, knowing I’m for a good cause, God will not allow any evil to befall me “ the young man replied. The mother then sighed and said “Amen”. Though, we all are called yet our roles differ. If we discover what we are called to do or what we want to do in life, God, in his providence, will bring this to fulfillment (See Jeremiah 29:11). All you need to do is to take that bold step of faith. You can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you.
The young man's story makes us acknowledge the fact that we all are called to serve God one way or the other, though this may vary in activity. Jesus says in Matthew 9:37 “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of Harvest to send out laborers into His harvest”. On the account of the young man, his aim of labor is to protect our society as a policeman. What is your labor? We labor in various ways. The Bible says that some are called to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers (Eph. 4:11). Again, in 1Corinth 12:4-11, the Holy book talks about diversities of gifts all through one Spirit, the Spirit of Christ Jesus.
The question to ask is “Where or what do I want to be in life?
Some of you might want to say,” that is easy, I already know what I want to do or be in life”. Hallelujah for you, I would say, but not all is in that shoe just yet, as in the case of the young man in the story above . Before jumping into a hasty conclusion, I will suggest that you do some soul searching to see whether or not your purpose is being met or whether you are contented where you are in life? Jesus said, "come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28). We honor God when we are truthful about ourselves, and this, God also honors. Are you being truthful about yourself? God cannot be mocked, and He's a God of second chance. I'm sure one can always create a room for an improvement if one would embrace the truth about life. No one is exempted when it comes to life’s challenges.
The following are a few guidelines for discovering a purpose, if you haven't got any.
•You must set a goal/vision in life. A life without a goal is a wasted one. What do you look up to in life? What are your tomorrow’s plans like? Set a goal...!
•Be committed. You must commit yourself to the set goal so as to achieve them. This is about orchestrating your set goals by strategically pursuing your purpose in life.
•Strategy is the method you employ to meet your objectives.
•Your objectives are what you hope or aim to achieve.
•Always ask questions to get a better understanding of your objectives. And do not be shy in asking, I do that all the time. It is by asking that you get to know.
•Always involve Jesus in all you do. “Jesus says in John 15:5, “I am the vine, you are the branches, He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing”. Everything in life comes from God, he is our providence.
•Associate with those you can learn from. If blind leads blind both will fall into a pit, Jesus says.
•Eradicate greed so as to be able to work effectively with others towards realizing your set goals. Paul, Silas and Barnabas worked corporately together to achieve their set goals of evangelism. One man's show usually doesn’t work out well; therefore, incorporate other into your goal.
•Finally, be one who seeks after God’s direction in your decision making. David is a good example of this. He would always go before God to inquire about the outcome of his set goal.
It is worthy of note that no one comes to life without a purpose. You may not have discovered it yet, but it is there, waiting for you to discover. A better approach would be to assess one’s ability and gift. Here you will discover that which you have pleasure in doing. This, you should consider a starting point. I hope this article has been a blessing to you.
A prayer for my readers:
I pray that you will connect to your purpose and destiny. Every assignment of the enemy to diminish your life is cancelled in Jesus name. May the Lord Bless you and keep you; May the Lord make His face shine upon you in your endeavour; may He be gracious to you and His countenance be upon you, may he shower you with peace and mercy in Jesus name.
Remember God loves you with an everlasting love!
For salvation prayers, go to "Your Destiny Matter" on Stream Insights.
Facebook: Minister Rosemary Akero Ariole
In His Service Minister Rosemary Ariol.
Source: nigeriafilms.com
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