Ikechukwu fumes-''nobody toasted my woman!''
Sarah screams-''over my dead body''
Rapper Ikechukwu and the Mohits team have parted ways and all is not well between them,so it was no suprise when the rumour started like a whisper ,but then it slowly spread round and soon;the it grew louder until Someone tweeted the rumour on the rappers timeline saying
''Theres a rumour going round that dbanj slept with your chick''.
The lovers responses on twitter are as follows.Killz says''nobody slept with sarah ofili!,Ok o I don't know how these stories are being made but nobody tried to toast my woman o. Gosh you guys can entertain yourselves o kai''.
And Sarah replies''over my f**king dead body will Dbanj sleep with me,thats just gross,have you seen my man Killz?I have enough 6pack,I
dont need two and half:.I live in london and not Ikeja.we have never been friends not to talk of lovers.if he has problems with my man he should take it up with him like a man and leave my name out of this market crap.how come he has not responded that this rumour is a lie?
Because it is feeding his ego,but when they said Ike beat him up his team quickly tweeted that its a lie but now that a woman is involved they dont want to clear names::...its disgusting Nigerian men quickly turn to women to do their dirty work,they cant stand the heat so all the blame is put on a woman.i will not tolerate my name and image being toyed with,if anyone carries this dirty rumour further without proof they will face the consequences:
This is libel.what a disgusting defamation of my character!''
Sarahs 'camp'further responded that''she has a lot of projects coming up,including her childrens foundation and this is not an image she wants to potray as a dirty cheating woman.everyone knows by now who her man is and she is very satisfied with him,''.
Can don jazzy and anyone of dbanjs team please respond to this allegation in anyway they deem fit?
keeping quiet when such tales are peddled is a wicked thing to do!...do the right thing boys,
''taaaaaalk,we are liszining'':(9ice Lyrics)

She is beautiful... woow
what? i thought u were going to say something about D Banj and Ikechukwu. well its true anyway, she's really pretty.
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